Then Dave came over and wanted a profile picture too. His were a little more "artistic"....
I took down the studio tonight as I have a location session tomorrow morning with little Ayden! How fun! I think we are doing some Christmas pictures! We were going to do them BEFORE Christmas... But Brett totalled his car and well, he needed my van to get to work. Fun stuff!
I posted this on Facebook... but thought I'd post it here as well in case someone missed it or maybe isn't my friend on facebook. It was something I wrote a few weeks ago from my own personal Bible study.... Hopefully it blesses someone. :) (beware, it's kinda long!)
So… I’ve been meditating on Matthew 15:30-37.
In verses 30 and 31 we see Jesus healing the dumb, the lame, the blind… People were excited and praising and thanking and glorifying God. BUT it wasn’t enough to sustain them… They needed something more.
Healings are great! And exciting! And something that God definitely wants to do for us and through us… Something we should be extremely thankful for… But we need even more than physical healings.
Jesus says in vs. 32 that he had compassion for the crowd because they had been with him for 3 days and had had nothing to eat. He went on to say that he was not willing to send them away hungry – lest they faint or become exhausted on the way. He wanted to give them something that would give them strengthen them and keep them on the journey.
How often am I willing to send people away hungry? Oh God, give me your compassion for those who are hungry!! For those in need of strength for the journey…. May I not be willing to send anyone away hungry!
The disciples were a little surprised that Jesus would even think of providing for all those people. In the natural there was NOTHING to give them… they were, after-all in an isolated and deserted place!
How often do I look at my *natural surroundings* and decide that there is no possible way I have anything of value to give to others? Lord, help me to see YOUR provision… And even to see how you might provide through me….
Somehow they managed to find 7 loaves and a few small fish. Still, in the natural, ridiculous to attempt to feed so many with such a little amount!!!!
How often do I discount the little things that I might have? Thinking that it’s no more than a drop in the bucket therefore why even try? Forgive me Lord for discounting the *little things*. For not remembering what you are able to do with the little things – that you love to multiply!
But Jesus was determined that they should eat before leaving! And so he orders the crowd to sit down.
Jesus knew that the little bit that they had was MORE THAN ENOUGH to feed an entire crowd.
He then proceeds to give thanks and break the loaves and fish. And he gives the broken pieces to the disciples. And the disciples proceed to give them to the people on the ground. And they ALL ate AND WERE SATISFIED. And they gathered up plenty of left-overs!!!!!
Jesus gave thanks for the little bit… How often am I not even grateful or thankful for the *little* things that God gives me? And if I think there’s not enough even for me… I’m not as likely to give it away… But when Jesus took it and broke it there was enough for the disciples AND the crowd! The little bit that they multiplied as it was broken and given away….
Lord, here I am… From all appearances I don’t have much of anything to offer anyone… But I choose to look to you and believe you for provision! I choose to believe that you are in me and that you desire to feed others and strengthen others with what you have given me. I choose to believe that there is MORE than enough for those that you send my way! I am thankful for the little things that you have placed within me! And gladly give away what you have given me! Knowing that as I do, you will multiply it and feed and strengthen MANY in the process. In Jesus name.
It was rather tough to get them both looking in the same direction at the same time! hahaha!!
If I don't get on again before Christmas - MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!!