Thursday, June 29, 2006


We've had a major disappointment this week...

Brett, Brian, and Heather all took the week off of work to go to Creation Fest, a week of camping and Christian band after band after band.... They were to leave on Tuesday morning and spent all day Monday getting ready - buying last minute items they needed for their little adventure. Heather even bought herself a digital camera (it was a proud moment indeed ;). By Monday, late afternoon, they had everything they needed and were packing up the last of their things. Brett decided to check his email one last time (he does not check his email daily like I do!).... and discovered that Creation Fest was cancelled due to the flooding in PA!!!!! Talk about last minute!!!! I wonder how many people got all the way there only to discover it had been cancelled....

13 things about vacations:

1. Expect the unexpected.
2. They are rarely relaxing - especially for mom and dad.
3. Vacations are great for family memories.
4. Most often I spend way more than intended!
5. I always forget something!!
6. I hope I NEVER forget my camera!!!!
7. I usually lose something along the way (it looks as if my cell phone is gone for good).
8. There is usually a disappointment or two along the way.
9. There are usually pleasant surprises along the way too!
10. God always goes with me.
11. They are best spent with family and friends.
12. You can have a good vacation at home.
13. When it's all said and done, it's nice to go home.


Priscilla said...

I've heard the flooding is very bad. People are being evacuated from homes and some lives have been lost. We need to keep the people of the southerntier near Binghamton and those in PA in our prayers!

Shelly said...

You are right. Though my kiddos are disappointed, I recognize that this is NOTHING compared to what others are facing!!!

Martha said...

Flash flooding seldom gives advance notice.

Have you all been keeping busy around here the past couple of days? I'm pretty sure camping out in PA might not have been all that enjoyable this week.

Shelly said...

No, I suppose not... I just feel bad for anyone who actually flew out to the event or drove hundreds of miles only to be turned around. But even they don't have it nearly so bad as those that live there and have lost so much more than a vacation!!

As for keeping busy - yes... we've been tearing apart the house. :)Jessi and I were planning on surprising everyone by tearing down all the wallpaper in our living room. It's no longer a surprise... but we are making a little headway with it regardless. It's slooooow going though!

Brian ended up getting recertified in CPR over at Casey Park today - so that was good. And he worked over there yesterday and will be working again on Saturday. So he's happy he's getting some hours in at work and won't be losing quite as much $ as he would have!

I think Heather needed a break from work anywayz. And she's done a little work on her bedroom. (A very little!) Hopefully she can start painting soon!!!

Me... I'm still plugging away at wedding pix. I put in the last of Eunice's order! And some of Keith and Lisa's. Oh, it will be soooo nice to have theirs DONE and over with! Not sure when the Difiore order will come in...