Saturday, July 22, 2006

Invasion of the Toads

I've been putting the little toads that seem to have invaded our backyard to work these days! This little guy wasn't too thrilled with me and kept hopping away. I spent sometime chasing him around our dining room. But once I started flashing he stayed put and let me take several pix.


Priscilla said...

You come up with the most interesting shots! You are very creative!

Priscilla said...

I've been trying to find out about the beaver pond. No one seems to know about it.

The other beaver pond I heard about here in cdga...looks very quiet any time I drive by.

Rachel said...

Your photography is really good!

Shelly said...

Thanks! It's funny cuz people often tell me I'm creative but I really don't feel creative. It seems that I have to work really, really hard at coming up with ideas for shots and for others it comes so easily - or so it seems! (The grass is always greener!!) Anywayz... I got hit with the idea late one night. :) I honestly felt like God just dropped it into my head. The only problem was I was attempting to go to sleep and I got so excited about taking it and I was afraid that I would forget the idea altogether that it made it ever so difficult to go to sleep!!!

Anonymous said...

Anyways has an "s" on the end, not a "z".

Martha said...

I hope your little friend regained his composure after being set free in the grass once again. We wouldn't want him hopping blindly around your back yard.