Thursday, February 16, 2006

13 Things about My Experience with Homeschooling

13 Things about.... My experience with Homeschooling!

13. It aint easy! It never was easy and it hasn't gotten any easier with time and experience!
12. Unlike most parents, I do NOT rejoice when school starts... I much, much prefer summer vacation!!
11. Learning the 'educationese' has been KEY to survival.
10. Somedays are just too nice to do school.
9. Sometimes life happens and school doesn't.
8. I can't keep up with the Jones' (or the Teals either! :). I'm not supposed to! I only need to be doing what God calls me to do. No more and no less.
7. There is more to life than school.
6. Spending more money isn't the answer.
5. Jesus is our salvation - NOT homeschooling!
4. When people find out you homeschool they are bound to quiz your kids.
3. My kids are never quite sure what grade they are in.
2. Not all homeschooling moms wear jumpers!
1. I really would miss my kids if they were in school all day!!


Martha said...

Thirteen More Things About Homeschooling

1. Keeping up with the Teals isn't all that difficult.
2. While doing school, life continues to "happen".
3. "Homeschooling" isn't eally a word (according to most spellcheckers).
4. Homeschooling mom's should have a getaway at least once a year.
5. Dad is really to busy working to do acedemics.
6. Mom doesn't have all the answers.
7. Neither does Dad.
8. Grade levels don't mean a whole lot.
9. No two kids learn the same things at the same rate.
10. High school is much harder to keep up with than kindergarten.
11. Even after being legal for over 25 years, people will still wonder why the kids aren't in school.
12. Sometimes I forget that other kids go to school.
13. Real life is a better teacher than books and a building could ever be.

How's that? By the way, I much prefer summer vacation too!

Martha said...

PS Homeschooling mom's really do know how to spell academics.

Bethany said...

Do they know that when they use "to", as in #5 in martha's comment, it has two o's? My mom taught me that.

Martha said...

Hmmm...? You stop that!

fashion freak said...

The techers are always weird . did I spell that rong?

Stef said...

I ave no proble with homeschooling .. for the educational aspect of it, but what about the social aspect.. There are alot of weird people in the world... and school is the best place for children to learn how to deal with them ....