Sunday, September 24, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006
A Quote to Ponder
Rather than kill ourselves, we can let God live in the area that needs God’s touch…
Trying to die to it makes us preoccupied with what we are not. But living in Christ Jesus makes us pre-occupied with Him. We become alive to God, which automatically makes us dead to ourselves. - Graham Cooke
Trying to die to it makes us preoccupied with what we are not. But living in Christ Jesus makes us pre-occupied with Him. We become alive to God, which automatically makes us dead to ourselves. - Graham Cooke
Friday, September 22, 2006
Mystery Shakers
Brett and I went to Basil's last night for dinner. Was wondering what on earth the green shaker was. It looks like green sugar for Christmas cookies! I tried to taste test it but nothing came out. Is it just for decoration??? There was another shaker I wondered about too that nothing would come out of. Thankfully the salt and the parmesan cheese worked fine! :) But makes me all the more curious 'bout the mystery shakers....
Monday, September 18, 2006
True Confessions
I honestly don't know what got into me.... Maybe it was momentary insanity! But I never in a million years thought that ANYONE would believe that I had a tattoo - especially on my butt!!! I'm just a plain Jane kind of girl. Very conservative and well, yeah, rather blah! I had come to # 13 on my list and I was looking pretty boring and the only things I could think of to say 'bout myself were even more boring! So, to add a little spice to a very boring blog entry... I said that I had a tattoo and to make it even more interesting I added that I had it on my rear end.... That is the boring truth. You can choose to believe whichever blog entry you want cuz I'm not proving it to anyone by dropping my pants! LOL.
A side story about the tattoo... Jessi had a little party on Saturday and a friend of mine was helping me out. She's actually trying to convince me that I SHOULD get a tattoo. I guess she's trying to spice me up a bit but she knows that a tattoo is really over the limits for me. I might get my eyebrows waxed and my hair colored - but tattoos are, well PERMANENT! And very expensive I might add!!! So, I have told her NOPE - I'm not going there!!!! But she was soooo proud of my blog entry. She thought that was very bold of me. LOL. Anywayz... My sister was dropping her daughter and another little girl off at the party and I said to my friend (in my sisters hearing), "I haven't told her about the tattoo yet!" That is ALL that I said... No mention of WHERE it was. My sister looks at me and says (very seriously I might add) - "Let me see it." and then demands, "Drop your pants and let me see it!!!!" I was SHOCKED!!! Not only that she BELIEVED me but that she ASSUMED IT WAS ON MY BUTT!!!!!
Well, it was a stupid thing to do... But I must say it did spice things up a bit! I may be a plain Jane, but I really do have a clown suit in my closet!
A side story about the tattoo... Jessi had a little party on Saturday and a friend of mine was helping me out. She's actually trying to convince me that I SHOULD get a tattoo. I guess she's trying to spice me up a bit but she knows that a tattoo is really over the limits for me. I might get my eyebrows waxed and my hair colored - but tattoos are, well PERMANENT! And very expensive I might add!!! So, I have told her NOPE - I'm not going there!!!! But she was soooo proud of my blog entry. She thought that was very bold of me. LOL. Anywayz... My sister was dropping her daughter and another little girl off at the party and I said to my friend (in my sisters hearing), "I haven't told her about the tattoo yet!" That is ALL that I said... No mention of WHERE it was. My sister looks at me and says (very seriously I might add) - "Let me see it." and then demands, "Drop your pants and let me see it!!!!" I was SHOCKED!!! Not only that she BELIEVED me but that she ASSUMED IT WAS ON MY BUTT!!!!!
Well, it was a stupid thing to do... But I must say it did spice things up a bit! I may be a plain Jane, but I really do have a clown suit in my closet!
Friday, September 15, 2006
I'm Older Than I've Ever Been!

Hmmm... Maybe I should do 13 things 'bout me... I'll try and do some things that you might not know 'bout me...
1. My eyes are the color of the mold at the bottom of a DIRTY pond. At least that's what it said in my baby book.
2. I like deep red and black.
3. I think wayyyyy too much. Okay, so maybe most of you know that 'bout me already.
4. I love music and really wanted to play the piano but my mom told me I didn't have the ear for it. So... I learned to play the flute instead.
5. My feet are the prettiest part on me.
6. When I was little I used to sing everything to the tune of Mary had a Little Lamb OR Jesus Loves Me. Bet you can't do that!!!
7. I've got a tattoo on my rear end.
8. I don't like gum but I'm addicted to breath mints.
9. I always wanted a pet monkey.
10. I once bought a pure bred Arabian but later sold him to go on a missions trip.
11. I'm pathetically shy, though I try and hide it.
12. I like dogs but don't care at all for cats.
13. I have a clown suit in my closet.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Proud Mamma

This is my daughter Heather. She is 15 and quite amusing I might add! :) She is taking her first college course this semester, English Composition, via the internet and I'm soooo proud of her. She has turned in 3 assignments and has an A average!!!!! You go girl!!!!
Now if I could somehow get her to do her math! :)
Mom's Taxi Service

Well, Brian did buy us pizza last night but that's only cuz I asked him to. He reluctantly agreed. And Heather is good about treating us now and again...
Friday, September 08, 2006

Monday, September 04, 2006
On the Run!

This is how I've felt lately.... Always on the run, but never getting anywhere or accomplishing anything of value. Sometimes I'm Sylvester - chasing after something (though I'm not always sure what) but never getting "the prize". Other times I'm Tweety - running from things such as responsibility, or fears, or struggles that I just don't want to face.
I spent several hours yesterday afternoon at church, all alone, sitting at the foot of the cross... more was probably accomplished in those hours than I've accomplished in a long, long while!! I went back today for about an hour or so... And God met me there. He is so good to me....
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