Tootles died yesterday. Mice don't live very long... about 2 years I guess and we don't know how old he was when we got him. He was a good little mouse and model too! (After all, it was a picture of him that earned me second place over at Better Photo!) We had a lot of fun with him. In spite of the fact that he was a mouse!

We went to the pet store and got another little mouse for Jessi. They assured us that this one is a baby so hopefully she will be with us a little longer. Keeping with the Peter Pan theme - Jessi named her Tinkerbell. She seems as friendly as Tootles was and Jessi is having fun with her new pet.
I can't believe how much fun I had watching the mice at the pet store. They had just put a wheel in the cage and they were so excited 'bout their new toy. At times there were 3 mice on it at once!!! And one time there was one mouse that was running on it while another one just hung on and spun around and around and around. There was a whole crowd standing around the mice watching their funny antics!!!