Other news.... I've been busy taking pictures for church. The worship team was invited to participate in a local festival so I took tons of pix there and made them into a slides how. I think they will be including them on the churches website.... And this past week I took photos of our VBS. I just finished the slide show tonight. I don't dare post though cuz the kids are all wearing name tags. Sorry!
We went to Darien Lake last week. What an adventure. We got on the Twister and got stuck UPSIDE DOWN for almost 10 minutes!!!! I was pretty nauseous after that for about an hour and poor Heather felt sick the rest of the day. We did, however, get free tickets (not cuz we got stuck upside down though!) so hopefully we'll get a chance to get back there before the end of summer.
I have 2 weddings next week. YIKES! I will be crazy busy trying to pump out all those pictures!!!!
Heather went to camp this week. It's her first time going to camp. She's not much of an 'outdoors' person. But she was excited about it... Sure hope she's having fun!
Romeo gets his stitches removed on Friday.
Next week is cousins camp. Jessi is very excited. She will be meeting my cousins daughter for the first time. (Does anyone know the relationship of the two girls? Would that be second cousins? Cousins once or twice removed??? hmmmm....)
Jessi is also excited cuz my mom signed her up for another session of gymnastics. That starts in September.
I have three picnics I'm supposed to attend - one on Thursday, one on Saturday and one on Sunday.... I'm picnicked out just thinking about it!
I would really like to get out on the bike again. I can't seem to consistently get out there. But I'm doing better than last summer!
Enough ramblings.... I will bore you no more! :)