Monday, February 04, 2008


Martha tagged me... so, seven things about me....

1. I have a brother who is exactly 6 mos older than me.
2. My jaw pops a lot and it drives my kids nuts.
3. I was the checker champion of my third grade class.
4. I slapped my mother in the face once.
5. I have a waterbed.
6. I have always wanted to go to Africa.
7. I joined a gym several months ago and try and go 3 x's a week.

I'm gonna whimp out on tagging other's cuz most of the bloggers I know have already been tagged.


Heather said...

Oh, Africa would be cool. Several years ago, Ashleigh went to Botswana and she loved it.

Rachel said...

Were you or your brother adopted?

I didn't know water beds existed anymore.

Shelly said...

Heather... That is so cool! Did she go on a mission trip? I went to Venezuela when I was 16 and then a couple of years ago Heather and I went to Brazil.

Rachel... Yes, my brother was adopted. My parents adopted 4 kids after having 4 of their own.