I actually got out on my bike yesterday! YIPEE!!! I woke up at 7:30ish and decided that even though I didn't have a ton of time (I like to take loooooong bike rides) I'd go for it anywayz. Otherwise it's just not going to happen. Since it was going to be short and sweet (an hour and a half MAX) I wanted it to be a real workout. So I determined NO COASTING ALLOWED! And I took a route with lots of hills. It felt so good! And I had more energy throughout the day than I have had in a long, long while! No naps for me!!! I felt sooo good that I decided to take another bike ride later in the afternoon... We had a meeting out by Chimney Bluffs. I'd ridden to Chimney Bluffs and back on my bike before - so surely I could at least make it one way right? Brett would meet me there with the car and we'd ride home. I knew that I wasn't in shape yet... But I decided that if I took it easy and didn't push myself I could do this - hopefully! And worst comes to worst, Brett will find me alongside the road and pick me up and drive me the rest of the way. So... Off I went. For the most part it's a pretty flat route - so I was doing okay. But once you get to the swamp there is a long, long hill. It's not terribly steep or anything - it just goes on forever!!!! My legs were BURNING!!! But I made it to the top - breathless but thrilled that I was able to push through it. I stopped at that lovely little farm market and asked for a refill on my water bottle. The cashier said to me, "We can't have you dehydrating now!" I also ended up purchasing a bottle of Snapple and guzzled half the bottle down in seconds. Oh! It was good and cold!!! I resisted the temptation of buying ice-cream. :) And I was off again on the last leg of my trip. Also, the hilliest leg of the trip. LOL. It wasn't until the very last hill that I had to walk the bike to the top. Feeling completely humbled - so close to my destination and yet I just couldn't do it. My legs were burning something fierce, I was completely out of breath and of course quite sweaty. But I also realize that as humbling as it is, I still made it to the top of the hill! What did it matter if I walked up or if I rode up? I made it up AND I got to my destination.
I think of our journey with God... God gives us all kinds of terrains. Sometimes it's flat - just going along in the same old routines. I've often learned that those times can be trying for me as I get bored easily! And yet, God might be teaching me contentment and also teaching me to enjoy the little things in life. As I'm going along a flat road I am able to see the cute little rabbit on the side of the road, or enjoy the beautiful sky, or admire the flowers in someone's garden. Sometimes he sends us hills to strengthen us. These can be TOUGH and painful at times. And so often we don't think we are going to make it.... Those are the times where we might need to humble ourselves and walk up! But they are also the times where there is tremendous growth! I remember one year at the end of the season I decided to take Lake Road - lots of big intimidating hills. But because I had been riding all summer long and had built up strength and stamina - the hills actually seemed easy!! And then comes the ride down the hill. It can be exhilarating! With little to no effort you can easily find yourself going faster than you ever dreamed possible! But it can also be dangerous. I was going down a hill yesterday... I can't tell you how good it felt! My legs were enjoying the rest and I was enjoying the wind blowing on my face and hair. But I looked away for a second and hit a nasty rock and came close to a terrible spill! I've discovered that those times where it seems like I am cruising along with God - though they are fun and exciting - are also the times I need to be most on the alert! Those are the times where I often take a nasty spill. Of course God is so good to me and he picks me back up, washes my wound,s and helps me to get back up again. But how much better if I stayed alert!!
Just some thoughts I chew on as I ride....
Good things to think about. Now if I can only remember to watch out when the going seems easy and be thankful when the going is tough. (Also imrtant to remember to be thankful in times of ease and prayerful in difficulty. All goes together, I guess.) The bike ride sounds grueling. I'm such a wimp! I'd prefer to build up slowly with some nice easy riding.
Most people are a bit wiser than me and build up slowly! LOL. But... the season is half over! I don't have time to do it slowly. LOL.
I rode my bike to church on Sunday. I had high and lofty plans. I was gonna take the hilly route and give myself a real workout and of course I was gonna ride home too. Well... I got as far as Ridge Road and decided if I made it to church at all I would be thrilled. My legs didn't hurt - but they had nothing in them! They were like gel. (I guess I can't say they had nothing - I did make it to church! But Brett ended up driving me home. :) oubys
oubys to you too!
My legs are pure jell. Squishy squashy and going nowhere fast.
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