Sunday, March 12, 2006


We ended up in the emergency room AGAIN last night. Jessi's eye swelled up. We noticed it around 6 pm. Below her left eye it was quite red and we could almost see it swelling right before our eyes. So, I called the doctor and she said to take her in to emergency. UGH! By the time we got to the emergency room the bottom of her eye was looking some better but above her left eye was now quite red! As we were sitting in the emergency room I watched it move from the upper left eye to the upper right eye! It was sooooo weird!!! By the time the doctor saw her the left eye looked almost normal - but the right eye was swelling and moving from above to below. And by the time we left, around 10 pm she looked fine! It was totally bizarre! The doctores claimed it was an allergic reaction to something and gave her Benedryl. I've never seen or heard of ANYTHING like it and I didn't feel like the doctors took me seriously at all. Of course, had I been the doctor and not witnessed what I just witnessed, I doubt I would have taken me seriously either!! I was just another 'nut-case' mother over-reacting to a slightly swollen/red eye!! But really, I'm glad it was nothing serious (just would like to have not spent 4 hours in the emergency room and another $50 for them to tell me that!!!!) and that we didn't have to stay two nights this time!!! And Jessi is thrilled to have yet another personalized bracelet which she wore proudly to church today. (And I had just convinced her to take the last one off! LOL.)


Martha said...

And some more great hospital slippers too!

That does sound pretty bizzare. I suppose the doctors have a hard time deciding which parents are out there in left field and which are telling the truth.

fashion freak said...

I didn't get any slippers this time.

Martha said...

No slippers? No fair! Well, those looked like hospital slipper socks on your feet. I suppose maybe its an old picture.

fashion freak said...

Ya it's old but not vary old.