Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!

Like most people in the U.S., I spent the better part of today baking for tomorrow. I was in charge of desserts... So, I made a pumpkin pie (YUCK!), an apple pie, and also cookies cuz I had a special request to make chocolate chip cookies for s'mores. Tonight Heather is going to make a cherry pie and Jessi is going to make a fruit salad and then we are done! It wouldn't have taken me nearly so long except, as usual, I was quite unprepared. I started with the cookies and wouldn't you know, I didn't have any brown sugar. YIKES! You can't make cookies very well without brown sugar. Thankfully Brett was home and very willing to run to the store for me. Just after he left I realized that I only had 2 pie pans (I thought for sure I had at least 3 - but I can only find 2!) and I needed to make 3 pies. So, Brett came to my rescue again and got me some pie tins. Then I made the pumpkin pie. I got halfway through making it when I discovered that I only had skim milk. UGH! I didn't figure anyone would appreciate pumpkin pie made with skim milk - though what do I know? I don't like pumpkin pie anyways so maybe it would taste just as good that way... But Brett decided he didn't want to risk it and off to the store he went yet again!! He really is a good sport and deserves a gold medal for today!! I managed to finish the apple pie without having to run to the store again.... but Heather still has that cherry pie and Jessi has the fruit salad... I'm hoping! But I'm not promising anything!! :)
Now... Since I probably won't get to blog tomorrow I will write 13 things I'm thankful for!
1. God! He really is good to me even when I don't believe it!
2. Brett. He sure does put up with a lot from me.
3. My kids. They are each a blessing straight from God and without whom life would be pretty dull indeed.
4. My church. A place where I am challenged and stretched in my faith and above all loved in spite of all my imperfections.
5. Friends. Thanks for sticking by me through thick and through thin!
6. Digital cameras. I've spent many happy hours snapping away at things I never would have dared attempt to take had I been shooting film.
7. Laptops. I love that I can sit at the couch or up in my bedroom rather than at a desk!
8. Wireless. I'm becoming quite the couch potato!
9. Toe rings. They are just plain fun.
10. Books. I do have to be careful though cuz once I'm into a good book I'm not good for much else.
11. Music. I especially enjoy listening to my kids play.
12. Cordless phones. I can talk and fold the laundry at the same time.
13. Sugar. It just makes everything sweeter!
I'm so incredibly spoiled! It was hard to keep my list to only 13 things.
And I've decided, I really do like all the modern conveniences!! Guess I won't be turning Amish any time soon. :)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
The Faithfulness of God
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Turtle Knows Best... Or Does He???

I think Turtles have the right idea - they sleep through most of the winter. What a life!
Okay... So there are some things I would miss out on if I slept through the winter:
Christmas! I do love Christmas. I love to buy gifts for for friends and family and what better excuse than Christmas?! And I love to watch my kids get all excited - especially on Christmas Eve. I enjoy watching them as they look for gifts for their siblings and their dad too. I also love the lights and the decorations. Though I can't say I decorate a whole lot, I do love look at how others decorate!! Sometimes, in my busy-ness I forget to enjoy these things... But deep down I do love them. Oh, and who could forget gingerbread houses?! My kids always look forward to those! How 'bout it Martha? Are you game for doing gingerbread houses this year???? Watching "It's a Wonderful Life" and "A Christmas Carol" and all of our other Christmas movies is something else we look forward to each year. We don't allow our kiddos to watch those movies until Thanksgiving and then away they go after New Years so it's something we look forward to each year... Guess I don't want to miss out on all of that!
My daughter's birthday is in January. She'll be 16 - can you believe it??? And I certainly wouldn't want to miss her 16th birtday!!! So I don't suppose I will sleep through that either. Maybe the turtle really doesn't know best after-all....
I never did much for Valentines Day. Maybe I should put more effort into that holiday and that would be one more thing to look forward to in the winter time. Anyone got any suggestions? I'm afraid I'm not very romantic - but I suppose I could work on it. LOL.
Any suggestions for making winter time more enjoyable would be greatly appreciated!!
Well, I suppose I won't sleep through the winter... but attempt to make the most of it. And enjoy those special moments with the family God has blessed me with.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Random Thoughts by Me
Mice really stink!
So do birds.
I love photography.
Hot showers on a cold day feel wonderful until you have to get out.
I don't like mornings.
Sneakers are much more comfortable than high heels.
I like to take naps.
Especially on Sundays.
But it's best to wait until AFTER the sermon to take a nap.
Dogs have bad breath.
Exercising regularly really does give you more energy.
It's easier to forget than it is to remember.
Unless it's something you want to forget and then it's easier to remember.
Being a good friend isn't always easy but it's always worth it.
I like to eat.
Especially ice-cream.
But not brussel sprouts - they are gross.
I get bored easily.
I like change.
I would move every 2 years or so if I could.
I don't have to like sewing.
I don't like the sound the microwave makes when it is done cooking. (My bird taught me that!)
I'd rather sweat than shiver.
Even if it does make you stink.
Biking is better than jogging.
Padded bike shorts really do help!
It feels good to obtain a goal.
But learning the process is often more important.
Rocket was a good dog.
Even if he did annoy me sometimes.
I like to travel.
Especially to far away places.
Cultures fascinate me.
I like lots of lemon in my water.
Lots of ice-cubes too.
Even on a cold day.
I complain about being cold a lot.
Complaining is a bad habit.
Warm socks on my feet really do help keep me warm.
I don't like to wear hats.
I miss my flute.
I don't want a tatoo on my butt.
Or anywhere for that matter.
But it was fun pretending!
I like to laugh.
I don't like to cry in public.
I don't like to eat in public either.
The pineapple in Brazil is the best!!! YUM!
I like toe rings.
I like funky socks too.
Things aren't always black and white.
Sometimes the pat answer isn't really the answer.
We need to hear God!
He really does speak to us.
We just need to take the time to listen.
More often than not God does things differently than we would do them!
But His ways are best - even when we don't believe it.
God allows us to walk through some pretty hard things.
But we never have to go it alone!
I have droopy eyes.
I get them from my mother.
I like that my second toe is shorter than my big toe.
Being the photographer at a wedding is hard work.
I hate having my picture taken.
I love to see my family happy.
Mustangs and jags are cool.
But I'm thankful for my minivan that is paid for!
And that I hardly ever need to take to the garage.
I'm thankful that my husband has a good job.
But having a job that you enjoy is even better.
I'm not a very good shopper.
Blogging can take up a lot of time.
But it's fun.
Being a perfectionist is no fun.
I can't imagine living with a perfectionist is very fun either.
Bad habits can be hard to break.
Good habits can be hard to start.
But both can be done!
It's easier to put weight on than it is to take it off.
Fasting is good for your spiritually and even physically.
People who work at Orbakers STINK when they come home from work.
Waitresses get lots of dollar bills and coins for tips.
The coins in the money jar can add up to a lot of money.
Matt Redman is a good singer and song writer.
Sometimes its a good idea to read a book more than once.
Especially the Bible.
But Graham Cooke is good too.
Well... I was gonna do some more - but I've just been too busy to get back to this today! Maybe I'll have some more another day....
So do birds.
I love photography.
Hot showers on a cold day feel wonderful until you have to get out.
I don't like mornings.
Sneakers are much more comfortable than high heels.
I like to take naps.
Especially on Sundays.
But it's best to wait until AFTER the sermon to take a nap.
Dogs have bad breath.
Exercising regularly really does give you more energy.
It's easier to forget than it is to remember.
Unless it's something you want to forget and then it's easier to remember.
Being a good friend isn't always easy but it's always worth it.
I like to eat.
Especially ice-cream.
But not brussel sprouts - they are gross.
I get bored easily.
I like change.
I would move every 2 years or so if I could.
I don't have to like sewing.
I don't like the sound the microwave makes when it is done cooking. (My bird taught me that!)
I'd rather sweat than shiver.
Even if it does make you stink.
Biking is better than jogging.
Padded bike shorts really do help!
It feels good to obtain a goal.
But learning the process is often more important.
Rocket was a good dog.
Even if he did annoy me sometimes.
I like to travel.
Especially to far away places.
Cultures fascinate me.
I like lots of lemon in my water.
Lots of ice-cubes too.
Even on a cold day.
I complain about being cold a lot.
Complaining is a bad habit.
Warm socks on my feet really do help keep me warm.
I don't like to wear hats.
I miss my flute.
I don't want a tatoo on my butt.
Or anywhere for that matter.
But it was fun pretending!
I like to laugh.
I don't like to cry in public.
I don't like to eat in public either.
The pineapple in Brazil is the best!!! YUM!
I like toe rings.
I like funky socks too.
Things aren't always black and white.
Sometimes the pat answer isn't really the answer.
We need to hear God!
He really does speak to us.
We just need to take the time to listen.
More often than not God does things differently than we would do them!
But His ways are best - even when we don't believe it.
God allows us to walk through some pretty hard things.
But we never have to go it alone!
I have droopy eyes.
I get them from my mother.
I like that my second toe is shorter than my big toe.
Being the photographer at a wedding is hard work.
I hate having my picture taken.
I love to see my family happy.
Mustangs and jags are cool.
But I'm thankful for my minivan that is paid for!
And that I hardly ever need to take to the garage.
I'm thankful that my husband has a good job.
But having a job that you enjoy is even better.
I'm not a very good shopper.
Blogging can take up a lot of time.
But it's fun.
Being a perfectionist is no fun.
I can't imagine living with a perfectionist is very fun either.
Bad habits can be hard to break.
Good habits can be hard to start.
But both can be done!
It's easier to put weight on than it is to take it off.
Fasting is good for your spiritually and even physically.
People who work at Orbakers STINK when they come home from work.
Waitresses get lots of dollar bills and coins for tips.
The coins in the money jar can add up to a lot of money.
Matt Redman is a good singer and song writer.
Sometimes its a good idea to read a book more than once.
Especially the Bible.
But Graham Cooke is good too.
Well... I was gonna do some more - but I've just been too busy to get back to this today! Maybe I'll have some more another day....
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Mary Kay Make-Over

I went to a Mary Kay party today... Beka had a blast making me up. She does love color and gets so frustrated with me. She's desperate for me to get my hair colored and for me to start wearing a little make-up. We'll see. Maybe for my midlife crisis!
Sorry - I don't have any close up 'after pix'....
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
The Runaway Bride

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
I'm so sorry everyone for disappearing for such a long time! I have been extremely busy lately and I'm afraid I've let busy-ness get in the way of ALL of my relationships. Why is it that the most important things are the things that I often let slide? And I allow those other things that really don't matter all that much to make me run ragged????
So, what have I been up to? Mostly I've been trying to get my stock galleries built up. It takes up way too much time! And I have no idea how to speed the process up. So... I'm either shooting pictures, fixing pictures that I should have taken right in the first place but didn't, uploading and keywording pictures, and starting the process all over again....
We've also redone our living room. After living here for 12 years we've FINALLY started redecorating. A friend of mine who loves to paint talked me into it. I hate the whole process - but things really are much more fun when you are working with a friend. :) She actually painted the entire living room for me. While she was doing that I was tearing down the wallpaper in the dining room cuz that's next on her agenda.
Other than that I've been taking my kids to and from work, lessons, and other little errands. I do go to the mall once a week to minister there and then I have church activities that also keep me busy. Plus, I'm supposed to be homeschooling my kiddos.... Oh yes, and how can I forget, I'm working hard to get my own schooling done. I got one more photo project submitted and only two left to go! I don't have much time left though so I'm going to have to ask for an extension. I really want to complete this cuz so often I don't finish what I start and well, I don't like that I do that!!!
I know that God's word says that his yoke is easy and his burden is light... right now it doesn't feel light at all. So... I suppose I've picked up burdens that were never meant to be picked up...
I want my friends to know that I do love and appreciate them. And I hope they will all forgive me for neglecting them.... for letting busy-ness get in the way. I will try to once again get my priorities in order!! And make time for the people that God has placed in my life and that I am totally blessed to know!
PS I tried to post a picture of my friend painting the living room... but it's not working today. Will post later so you can see the colors!
So, what have I been up to? Mostly I've been trying to get my stock galleries built up. It takes up way too much time! And I have no idea how to speed the process up. So... I'm either shooting pictures, fixing pictures that I should have taken right in the first place but didn't, uploading and keywording pictures, and starting the process all over again....
We've also redone our living room. After living here for 12 years we've FINALLY started redecorating. A friend of mine who loves to paint talked me into it. I hate the whole process - but things really are much more fun when you are working with a friend. :) She actually painted the entire living room for me. While she was doing that I was tearing down the wallpaper in the dining room cuz that's next on her agenda.
Other than that I've been taking my kids to and from work, lessons, and other little errands. I do go to the mall once a week to minister there and then I have church activities that also keep me busy. Plus, I'm supposed to be homeschooling my kiddos.... Oh yes, and how can I forget, I'm working hard to get my own schooling done. I got one more photo project submitted and only two left to go! I don't have much time left though so I'm going to have to ask for an extension. I really want to complete this cuz so often I don't finish what I start and well, I don't like that I do that!!!
I know that God's word says that his yoke is easy and his burden is light... right now it doesn't feel light at all. So... I suppose I've picked up burdens that were never meant to be picked up...
I want my friends to know that I do love and appreciate them. And I hope they will all forgive me for neglecting them.... for letting busy-ness get in the way. I will try to once again get my priorities in order!! And make time for the people that God has placed in my life and that I am totally blessed to know!
PS I tried to post a picture of my friend painting the living room... but it's not working today. Will post later so you can see the colors!
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