Thursday, May 31, 2007
More Things...
71. Blue skies.
72. Puffy white clouds.
73. Stormy grey clouds.
74. Sunsets and sun rises.
75. Color.
76. That I can choose to be thankful even on a bad day.
77. Windows that let the sunshine in.
78. The moon and the stars that light up the sky at night.
79. That God is so creative.
80. And that he gave us the ability to be creative.
81. Picnics.
82. Bonfires.
83. S'mores.
84. Summer.
85. Especially at night!
86. Books.
87. Hand Lotion - especially in the winter.
88. And chapstick too.
89. Toothpaste!
90. And breath mints.
91. When my husband tells the kids a funny story 'bout his childhood.
92. And their laughter.
93. God's patience with me.
94. That he continues, when everyone else would have given up, the good work that he has begun in me and in my family.
95. That the Father gave his son for me.
96. And that Jesus paid the price for me.
97. That he counted it joy.
98. Eyes.
99. And ears too.
100. Hands, feet, fingers and toes.
101. Warm, fuzzy blankets on a cold winter day.
102. And hot chocolate too.
103. Bulldogs. (They make my husband smile)
104. Fizz. There's just something about it!
105. Smiles and sometimes tears.
106. Going out to eat.
107. Soap and shampoo.
108. Fresh apples in the fall.
109. The wind.
110. The calm after a storm.
111. Hustle and bustle.
112. And peace and quiet too.
113. Giving gifts.
114. Especially for no reason at all.
115. To my family.
116. To friends.
117. To those who love to make my life miserable.
118. And even to perfect strangers. Try it! It's a whole lot of fun!!!
119. Receiving gifts. Yup, that's fun too! :)
120. A clean house.
121. But I'm thankful for a messy one too.
122. Watermelons.
123. Especially seedless - but the seeds are fun too.
124. Salt! What would watermelon be without it?
125. Ping pong.
126. Board games.
127. Purses.
128. A good joke.
129. A good movie - like North and South or Pride and Prejudice.
130. Blogging.
131. And the friends that I have made through it.
132. Different cultures.
133. And ideas.
134. Flowers.
135. And sometimes even bugs. (I like to take pictures of them! but not mosquitoes. I just don't know how to be thankful for them...)
136. Ceiling fans.
137. And window fans too.
138. Jewelry - even if I don't wear it much it is pretty and fun!
139. Paper towels.
140. The Internet (some of it anyway!).
141. That I can find joy even in the midst of pain and sorrow.
142. That I always can find lots to be thankful for.
143. My front porch.
144. And my back yard.
145. Trampolines.
146. Popsicles.
147. Tissues.
148. That I don't have to work so I can be home for my kiddos.
149. Parents and Grandparents.
150. And inlaws too.
Are you tired of my lists yet??? It's good medicine for me. :)
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
A Few Things
1. God's faithfulness to me.
2. Friends.
3. Their prayers.
4. Truth - even when it hurts.
5. My family.
6. That they continue to put up with me.
7. And that they pray for me too.
8. Encouraging words.
9. As well as gentle rebukes.
10. The Bible.
11. Especially the Psalms when I'm feeling discouraged.
12. My camera.
13. I can't explain it - but it brings me joy and I'm thankful for that!
14. My laptop.
15. Warm sunshine!
17. Two adorable pomeranian puppies.
18. My bike.
19. Time alone with God.
20. Two cars that are paid for and still running.
21. Indoor plumbing!!
22. And electricity.
23. Babies...
24. My church.
25. That I can go barefoot in church and no one thinks anything 'bout it!
26. That they pray for me.
27. That the word is preached.
28. That they love me even though...
29. That I can be real at church.
30. That they pursue after God and challenge me to do the same.
31. Summer noises... birds, crickets, kids laughing, lawn mowers...
32. That I was brought up in a Christian home.
33. That God is my keeper - even when I don't want to be kept.
34. That I am never alone.
35. Forgiveness.
36. Telephones.
37. My home.
38. White Pizza! YUM!!
39. Email.
40. Snail mail too!!
41. Good memories.
42. That I am God's Treasure.
43. That he has besieged me and I don't stand a chance. It still makes me smile.
44. That my husband likes his new job.
45. And that there are Christians on his team who pray for him.
46. Hope.
47. Laughter... it's good medicine and good exercise too!
48. Music.
49. Phone calls from friends.
50. Martha's back porch... even though I haven't really visited in quite sometime. But it's good to know it's there.
51. Shoulders to cry on.
52. Lemon for my water.
53. Ice cubes.
54. Straws.
55. Funky socks.
56. Toe rings.
57. Aspirin.
58. Thunder storms.
59. Thrill Rides.
60. And water slides.
61. Swimming pools.
62. And diving boards!
63. Softball.
64. Minibikes and 4-wheelers.
65. Jeans.
66. Flip-flops.
67. Hot showers.
68. Tweezers.
70. Fresh fruit.
There's more of course.... I suppose we could never quit being thankful....
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
So tired...
My heart pounds, my strength fails me; even the light has gone from my eyes. - Psalm 38:10
My eyes long for your promise;
I ask, "When will you comfort me?"
--Psalm 119:81-82
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Catching Up
Brett came home Friday night. He said he learned TONS and really likes his team AND his new job! Very different from his last job!!
Saturday I took Brianna up to Niagara Falls for some senior pictures. We probably shot for 4 hours and I took hundreds of pictures! Actually, I haven't counted... but a lot none the less!! We had a blast and took some fun shots as well the standard senior pix. Here's a couple of fun ones....
The one below is my absolute FAVORITE!!! I actually ordered her a 12x18 print. SHHHH! Don't tell her - it's a surprise!!!! I sure hope she likes it as much as I do. :)

We didn't get home until around 1 or 1:30. I was totally exhausted and yet so excited about all the wonderful pictures that I took (is that bragging?) that I couldn't sleep. I just HAD to play with them. I finally dropped into bed around 5 am. And yes, I skipped church. I know, Bad girl! But I did go in the afternoon!! Does that count for anything????
Yesterday I had a photo shoot with Pastor Perdita. She and her husband are co-pastors of a very large church in the city. I was very excited to meet her. I've actually been wanting to visit their church for sometime but it hasn't worked out yet.... Anywayz, I had met her daughter in the mall (she works at Perdita's Hair salon I believe as the manager) and she is such an amazing person and woman of God and she adores her mother - so I knew her mother would also be an incredible woman of God!! Both mother and daughter are full of the joy of the Lord!!! I made a little collage of the photos I took of her and have ordered her a print as a gift. When I thought of Perdita I thought of strength in the LORD - that is why I chose that verse for her.
Today was spent processing pictures! Perdita needs her photos ASAP!! One of them might end up on a billboard. How cool is that?!! I'll let you know... shoot, I'll run down and take a picture of it.
Other than that I did a little cleaning - a very little I'm ashamed to admit. And ran my van up to the shop. It's sounding very sick indeed!! And in desperate need of a little TLC.
Now, it's time to catch up with what is going on in the blogging world....
Friday, May 18, 2007
Martha's Advise
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Busy, Busy, Busy!

Yesterday was a CRAZY day! Since Brett has been away, I invited a friend to come spend the night... It was just like the sleep overs I had when I was a kid and we stayed up until the wee hours of the morning. So, I woke up extremely tired! Romeo had a terrible cough which meant yet another trip to the vet. At least this one is a little closer than the Veterinary Hospital that I have been taking Teena to! They prescribed something for both worms AND kennel cough as they are not quite sure which it is. Teena also has to take the deworming meds as they have been together. I need to check and see whether she has had a shot to protect her from the kennel cough. If not, then she will probably need an antibiotic too. Then we went over to pick up a photo that my friend had at the framing and matting shop. On the way home Jessi started complaining about her arm. I took a look at it and it was terribly red and swollen and hot to the touch. UGH! I called the Dr. and she said give her some Benadryl and some Advil and if it didn't improve to call for an appointment. Jessi complained more and more through the night so I called the on-call Dr who said it was most definitely infected and she should be seen immediately. So... we ended up in emergency. Double UGH!!! She has cellulitis (sp?) for the 3rd time in less than 2 years!! This time due to a bug bite. But thankfully we caught it quick enough and already the swelling has gone down considerably and she is feeling much better. Good enough even to go to gymnastics today. Course she would have gone even in pain as she loves it so much. So... that wrapped up my crazy day. Actually... since Brett's been gone it's been like that most days! I've been to the vets and back numerous times these past two weeks! And have just been on the go to here and there and everywhere! I'm not sleeping well either so I am one tired mama!! :)
Tonight was the kick-off for Williamson's Apple Blossom Festival. I'll leave you with some pictures from the kiddie parade...
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Not Today
Friday, May 11, 2007
Spring Pix

Infant Shoot
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Sunday, May 06, 2007

I went over to the Peterham's farm today to take pictures of the blossoms.... these are peach blossoms. I was going to also take cherry blossoms but I got side-tracked. The appleblossoms should be out in a week or two. Our annual Appleblossom Festival is in less than two weeks - so hopefully they will be in full bloom! I've been planning for sometime to go so I can get my photojournalism shot for my photography class... but I scheduled a senior portrait shoot on that day. ARRRGH! Guess I'm gonna have to get out to the lilac festival. Does anyone know when that is????
Brett left for Texas today. He's there training for his new job. Don't ask me what his new job is - cuz I have no clue except that it's still in computers relating to the network at Xerox (but he works for EDS). Anywayz... he's in Lewisville. I desperately wanted to go with him... but he said maybe next time.
I might have to shoot a wedding on Saturday. I'm hoping anyway!! Came up all of a sudden... Of course it isn't a done deal... but it sounds kind of promising (though I didn't talk to the bride or groom or any relations LOL!). I was told that she had a photographer but for some reason she doesn't think she can make it. They were considering just asking guests to shoot and hope that everything comes out. So sad... Besides the marriage (which of course is most important) there is nothing left when all is said and done except for the photos. I realize that probably one of the reasons I LOVE photography is that I LOVE having those memories. I remember my mom saying that that would be the one thing she would want to save out of everything else if her house was burning down. I think I have similar feelings....
Well, I suppose I've rambled in this post! LOL. Hope everyone had a happy, Christ filled Sunday!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Climbing Hills
God has a way of speaking to me through my day to day activities and he's taught me a lot just through bike riding. Tonight as I was riding I began pondering some of the lessons he's taught me. The one that comes back to me again and again (especially when I'm faced with yet another hill to climb!) is that I may not like climbing hills much but they always make me stronger!