1. I think temps in the 80's is perfect.
2. The 70's are tolerable.
3. The 60's are just plain chilly!!
4. I love fresh apples.
5. Tart and crunchy apples - not soft and sweet!
6. Fresh cortlands early in the season are my favorites!
7. I like a clean house.
8. I don't like to clean.
9. So my house is usually a mess!!
10. I really need to declutter.
11. I've turned into a couch potato.
12. I sit at my laptop processing and editing photos.
13. I love to take pictures of people.
14. But hate to have my picture taken.
15. Sometimes it's my double chin that bothers me.
16. Sometimes it's my smile.
17. Heather tells me I need to practice posing in front of the mirror.
18. But I wonder if it's a hopeless cause.
19. I often battle perfectionism.
20. But I'm getting better.
21. I'm extremely ticklish.
22. But don't try and tickle me cuz I can be vicious!!
23. Sometimes my knee bothers me when I go down the stairs.
24. Or when I bike.
25. Sometimes I get out of breath when I climb up the stairs.
26. I think I'm getting old. *sigh*
27. I put salt on my watermelon.
28. I think it brings out the sweetness.
29. I like to dream.
30. I'm learning to take steps to make those dreams into a reality.
31. Sometimes I want to quit.
32. I get a lot of headaches.
33. They make me sleepy.
34. I don't like to dress up.
35. I don't like high heals.
36. They make my feet hurt.
37. And I feel extra clumsy in them.
38. I don't wear make up very often.
39. I got my eyebrows waxed once.
40. I got my ears pierced twice.
41. I have no plans for a belly button piercing.
42. Even for my midlife crisis!
43. Or any other piercing for that matter.
44. I've been planning my midlife crisis for 4 years.
45. I was planning on starting when I turn 40.
46. And continuing until I was 45.
47. But I'm afraid it will be mighty boring...
48. I'm good at losing things.
49. I don't know where the phone is right now.
50. And I frequently lose my mind.
51. I don't have to wear glasses or contacts anymore.
52. I had the Lasik surgery a few years ago.
53. I love being able to see when I wake up or when I go swimming!
54. I started Monroe Community College just before I turned 15.
55. That's where I met Brett.
56. I am not a brainiac!
57. I just took a couple of courses to keep me 'legal'.
58. I took Recreation Leadership in college.
59. I worked at Orbaker's then.
60. I loved waitressing.
61. Especially the tips!!
62. I love Diet Coke.
63. But it doesn't love me.
64. So I have given it up. (again!)
65. Once in a while I allow myself a Diet Sprite or 7 Up.
66. I love our puppies.
67. I think they are adorable!
68. But sometimes they annoy me.
69. I have always homeschooled my kids.
70. But I was never very good at it.
71. I have cried and prayed my way through it.
72. I have really great friends!
73. Many times I take them for granted. :(
74. My first car was a 1970 Ford Torino.
75. My grandfather gave it to me.
76. I thought it was really cool!
77. I went to Venezuela when I was 16 with Teen World Outreach.
78. I went to Brazil a couple of years ago with Global Awakening. (Heather went too!)
79. Someday I will go to Africa.
80. I like thrill rides.
81. But I don't like getting stuck upside down for 10 minutes.
82. The Ride of Steel is an amazing rollercoaster!
83. I also like waterslides.
84. I own a minibike.
85. I bought it when I was 12.
86. I had a pony when I was a kid.
87. And I had a horse too!
88. An Arabian - Very pretty!!!
89. I like to take hikes.
90. I like the old time TV shows.
91. I Love Lucy, Andy Griffeth, and The Dick Van Dyke Show are some of my favorites.
92. I also like Little House on the Prarie.
93. We have seasons 1-8 of Little House.
94. We need to get season 9!
95. One of my favorite movies is North and South.
96. I hate my couch.
97. I think it needs to go to the curb!!!
98. I think it would be fun to have a pet monkey - but Brett doesn't agree.
99. I've always wanted to go to the Grand Canyon - ever since the Brady Bunch went!
100. God is good to me...
101. But I don't always feel or see his goodness.