I took the proofs over to mom today.
She nearly cried when she saw this one....
After we did the black and white ones she wanted some high-key color portraits.

She was so happy to be standing and climbing.
I quickly snap, snapped, snapped
and decided we'd better get her dressed for some more 'formal' shots
before she lost interest...

Maybe she was mad that we interrupted her when she was having so much fun?
But I couldn't resist taking a couple of crying baby shots!

Thankfully mom was able to distract her for just a couple more!
And then she was DONE for good!

I always try and include a couple of collages with all my portrait shoots.
It was so fun to do portraits again!
I have 3 more photo shoots coming up in the next 2 weeks.
How exciting!!!
Plus a stock shoot.
Busy, busy, busy!!!!