Rocket really isn't a puppy anymore even if he still looks like one! He hasn't been feeling well at all lately and so I thought I should dedicate my blog to 13 things about Rocket...
1. He's a miniature poodle.
2. He was a stray.
3. My dad brought him over to us cuz his friend who found him thought that he needed kids.
4. He's about 15 years old and came to live with us about 13 years ago.
5. He has a tug-o-war toy that he used to play with... but now he just doesn't have the energy anymore.
6. He used to play fetch by himself when he couldn't find someone else to play with him. He'd carry his tennisball to the top of the stairs, throw it down and run after it, climb the stairs and do it again.
7. He loves biscuits!!
8. He will only eat his food in the dining room. No matter where we put his dish he will carry his food to the dining room to eat - so I always have a trail of crumbs from his dish to the dining room!! For a while I even tried putting his dish down in the basement. He would go downstairs and come back up with a mouthful of food and when it was gone he'd head down for another mouthful.
9. He HATES the rain!!! One day, when it was raining pretty hard outside, I knew I was going to be gone all day... So I stood outside in the rain with him hoping he'd do his thing. No such luck!! Come evening, I stopped quickly by the house to try again... I figured by now he'd be desperate. He still refused to go! So off I went and didn't get home until the wee hours of the morning (by this time it had been well over 24 hours since he'd gone)... As soon as I got in the house he just couldn't hold it any longer and let it loose all over the carpet. UGH!!
10. He hates baths and getting his haircut.
11. He's afraid of Mango cuz Mango bit him on the nose once.
12. He likes other dogs and will follow them home.
13. He's afraid of the vacuum cleaner, brooms, and my camera! The only way I can get a picture of him is if Brett or Brian is there to protect him or I corner him!!