Thursday, August 24, 2006

It's a Circus

Did anyone else see the circus act over at Seabreeze? They were a lot of fun to watch. After the show I talked with some of the performers and they invited me to come take pictures of them before the park opened. I had a lot of fun, though it was pretty tough to catch the action at times. My camera doesn't always want to focus that fast. The park photographer actually wired himself up above the trapeze and took shots from above. Yikes!!! Apparently he has the same philosophy as me - Anything for a picture!


Rachel said...

We watched part of it when we were there a few weeks ago. It was that 96 degree day and they were jumping and spinning. I thought they must be dying, but they never stumbled. There was A LOT of sweat though. They were pretty good!

Martha said...

I didn't make it to Sea Breeze this year but the show looks and sounds like fun. I always wish I could do those kinds of tricks. I wanted to be a gymnast but never told anyone.

Priscilla said...

We just saw this show on Tuesday afternoon at 4:00! Don't tell me you were there at the same time! I don't know you well enough to recognize you outside of cyberspace! I was very impressed with the juggling!

Shelly said...

I thought they were pretty good and they looked like they were having such a good time in spite of the heat! But I suppose even if they weren't they've learned to put a smile on their faces for the crowd. One thing I did learn - they guys really, really HATE their costumes!! They don't put 'em on til the last minute and for most of the pictures that I took they refused to put their costumes on.

Martha - I always wanted to be a gymnast too but everyone that knew me knew that! We had a nice loooong living room, perfect for tumbling, and I would do whole routines to Elvis songs. It really did a number on those records with all the bouncing that I did. LOL. When I was in jr. high my parents bought my sister and I a set of uneven bars for Christmas. It was so much fun spinning around those bars. We even had them in our bedroom for a bit. You had to be careful 'bout scraping your feet on the ceiling but we learned that trick quickly enough. It did do a number on the house though so I wouldn't recommend it. :)

Priscilla, No... I was there at the end of July and then a week ago Thursday but then it was before the park opened...

I think that comment was larger than my original post!

Bethany said...

That is a pretty cool picture... Costumes do add a lot to a show, but I bet they didn't like 'em.

Shelly said...

BTW Martha... you can see some of their show. Heather has a video of it on her blog (the Xanga one!).