When Martha and I and our crew of kids left for
Mendon Ponds this morning the sky was clear. As we got closer and closer the sky looked more and more
The parking lot was full! A whole busload of kids as well as a whole group of seniors....
Still, we hit the trails.... Hoping for more pictures of the cute little chickadees, squirrels and chipmunks....

The seniors were right behind us - making way too much noise for the wildlife.... (I was walking rather briskly when I took this shot otherwise I would have been trampled by the seniors who happen to be fast walkers!!!)
We got smart and let them pass us! And before long we had a hungry squirrel who was more than happy to model for a few sunflower seeds!

And then it started sprinkling....
Sprinkles make me verrrry nervous when my camera is around my neck. After-all, I'm still making payments on it! And I have clients that expect me to have a WORKING camera when I show up for a job.....
So.... though I desperately wanted to photograph the cute little chickadees and chipmunks that were beginning to show up here and there I tucked my camera down my sweatshirt and headed for the van.
By the time I got back to the van it was POURING!!!! Good thing I didn't wait any longer....
We'll will have to go again! After-all I'm sure you all are dying for MORE pictures of squirrels, chickadees and chipmunks.
We did have a good time though and went out to Wendy's for lunch. It's usually a good day when spent with good friends.