I got my camera back on Saturday. YAY! Turns out it was me that broke it after-all. *sigh* I attempted to use a lens that apparently doesn't fit on that camera. All my other lenses work on both cameras so I didn't even consider that it wouldn't go on that camera. BUT, Hahn told me it was all taken care of. PHEW!!!
I looked up the word receive in the concordance and it can be translated SEIZE. I thought that gave a whold different perspective! Much more forceful than the word receive don't ya think?!
The rest of verse 1:
And treasure my commandments within you
One of the definitions for treasure (found in Webster's 1828 dictionary) is to hoard.
Skipping down to verse 4:
4If you seek her (wisdom) as silver
The word seek in the concordance could also be translated require. I liken silver to a paycheck. Do I require wisdom like I require a paycheck?! YIKES! I thought about the times my husband has been laid off.... He did everything in his power to get a new job. One time he went for retraining. He wrote and sent out resumes to perspective employers, went to temp agencies, he spent a lot of time and energy looking for a new job!! I don't put nearly that kind of effort into obtaining wisdom!! Do you require wisdom?? Sure would love to hear your thoughts on that one. It's got me thinking!!
Took Heather for some more Trash the Dress pix. Still only 'posed' pix rather than her doing fun stuff.... Hopefully we'll get to those soon!! Specially now that I have my camera back! :)
I'll leave with just a few from that shoot. Still muddling my way through them all....