Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Around Town... again!

Well, I did my weekly walk. This time I had a goal - 1 out of every three pictures be keepers and as close to perfect as possible. That would slow me down and make me THINK before snapping!

There was a squirrel out in the front yard so I decided I should attempt to get a good shot of him.... Problem with squirrels - they move without warning! I snapped three pictures.... One out of the three was a keeper!!

The only touch ups to this picture was to boost the saturation, crop (he was still too nervous to get that close to me!) and a vignette around the edges oh and a slight sharpening of his eye.

I saw some signs of spring.... Little flowers popping out. I snapped a picture in front of this one house... but I wasn't excited about it in the least and moved on before wasting another shot!!

I went up to Ridge Road and decided to get the stained glass windows of this church. I got this one - nice exposure on the 2nd try. Again I boosted the saturation and added a slight vignette.

There were some more flowers in the front of the church.... I snapped 3 times - adjusting the composition a little with each as well as the exposure. I wasn't happy with any of them. :(

Then I went to the side of the church and decided to attempt the stained glass windows over there.... The entire side was in shadow and I attempted to include the sky. But with such a dark brick wall and windows against the bright blue sky... well, I should have known better! Either I ended up with a white sky and a nicely exposed building or I ended up with a pretty blue sky and a dark, dark church. *sigh* Three more pictures wasted. I was really behind!!!

There is just something about this fire escape and building that keeps capturing my attention. I like the lines and then the shadow play. I think I also like the grunge look in general! I got a few keepers from this one... Here's my two... (I think I took 3 or maybe 4 of this scene.) The only adjustments were boosting the saturation, adding a bit of warm color and a slight vignette.

Then when I got home I decided to try the squirrel again as he was still out in the front yard. I only got one more out of several tries. I'm blaming that on the fact that he is still so jittery and well... it throws off my focus! ;)

Same adjustments to this squirrel and also cropping and sharpening the eye.

Well, I didn't make my goal.... but it did slow me down and cause me to think before clicking!! And I had fun and hopefully learned something on my little walk. And with each try, hopefully I will get better!!

I hope I didn't bore you to tears with my little game.


Martha said...

I considered taking a picture of the stained glass windows after I took my walk past your house Thursday... but it was too dark out. Sofie moves about as fast as those squirrels. Somtimes everything in the photo is clear except her, and she is just a blur. luckily, she lets me get close.

We need to do a walk together.

Shelly said...

Hmmmm... I think I accidently posted two of the same picture. Oh well!