I'm gearing up for a very busy May! Besides the Apple Blossom Festival and several portrait sessions, I have been asked to photograph couples that will be attending "date night" at my sister's church. There will be approximately 80 couples.... I ordered a backdrop just for the occasion. It's a lot more purple than it was supposed to be... It was supposed to be browns and greens.... So now I'm hoping that no one wears red!
Oh kiss those little ears off for me!!! They are so adorable, and thanks for the advice. I have haunted stores feeling cameras and trying to stuff them in my pockets, the clerks frown on that you know. :) I have actually gone to about 7 different stores checking out the same two cameras. I am leaning toward the Canon. Just a few more checks a few more quick shots...like quick draws with a gun but the camera instead. See why I have to go to different stores? Carl waits in the car now.
I love the dog portraits! Are you going to display one of those at Apple Blossom? Or maybe you're not into doing pet photos.
Your dogs are very good models you know. So well behaved ;)
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