Friday, June 30, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006

We've had a major disappointment this week...
Brett, Brian, and Heather all took the week off of work to go to Creation Fest, a week of camping and Christian band after band after band.... They were to leave on Tuesday morning and spent all day Monday getting ready - buying last minute items they needed for their little adventure. Heather even bought herself a digital camera (it was a proud moment indeed ;). By Monday, late afternoon, they had everything they needed and were packing up the last of their things. Brett decided to check his email one last time (he does not check his email daily like I do!).... and discovered that Creation Fest was cancelled due to the flooding in PA!!!!! Talk about last minute!!!! I wonder how many people got all the way there only to discover it had been cancelled....
13 things about vacations:
1. Expect the unexpected.
2. They are rarely relaxing - especially for mom and dad.
3. Vacations are great for family memories.
4. Most often I spend way more than intended!
5. I always forget something!!
6. I hope I NEVER forget my camera!!!!
7. I usually lose something along the way (it looks as if my cell phone is gone for good).
8. There is usually a disappointment or two along the way.
9. There are usually pleasant surprises along the way too!
10. God always goes with me.
11. They are best spent with family and friends.
12. You can have a good vacation at home.
13. When it's all said and done, it's nice to go home.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Probably the best part of the safari was the baboons. They would jump right up on your vehicle and peer in the windows. They'd ride along on your car jumping on the hood or clinging to the mirrors. They would also tear anything and everything apart that they possibly could! They pulled the rubber right off of the top of my van as well as some from under my windshield wipers. And my van was not the only victim! We saw them ripping things off of other cars as well. So, when they warn you at the gate that if you choose to drive through with your own vehicle that there is the possibility of damage - they are speaking the TRUTH!
We saw TONS of baby baboons hanging from their mamma's breasts. We didn't spot them at first - but then once we noticed them they were EVERYWHERE!!!! One mama came right up to our van and sat down next to it then proceeded to rip her little baby off her breast and maul the poor little thing. We could not believe how rough she was with her little baby and could not imagine it surviving very long at all under those circumstances. Another baboon was desperately trying to rescue the little baby but she would then snatch him up and run off with it. She seemed to be the only mama acting so strangely and we wondered if maybe this little baby really wasn't her own... but the baby kept trying to reattach itself to this mama... It was very disturbing to watch! I meant to ask someone about it - but forgot!!
Unfortunately I didn't get any good pix of the baboons. We had to keep the windows closed cuz they would climb right in your windows if they were open! (Boy did it ever get hot and stuffy in that van with 6 people and no air-conditioning and weather in the 90's with the windows shut tight!!!!) So that made it extra difficult to get good pix...
We saw TONS of baby baboons hanging from their mamma's breasts. We didn't spot them at first - but then once we noticed them they were EVERYWHERE!!!! One mama came right up to our van and sat down next to it then proceeded to rip her little baby off her breast and maul the poor little thing. We could not believe how rough she was with her little baby and could not imagine it surviving very long at all under those circumstances. Another baboon was desperately trying to rescue the little baby but she would then snatch him up and run off with it. She seemed to be the only mama acting so strangely and we wondered if maybe this little baby really wasn't her own... but the baby kept trying to reattach itself to this mama... It was very disturbing to watch! I meant to ask someone about it - but forgot!!
Unfortunately I didn't get any good pix of the baboons. We had to keep the windows closed cuz they would climb right in your windows if they were open! (Boy did it ever get hot and stuffy in that van with 6 people and no air-conditioning and weather in the 90's with the windows shut tight!!!!) So that made it extra difficult to get good pix...
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Oh Deer!
Friday, June 23, 2006
Indoor Waterpark

As you can see by the smiles, the kids enjoyed Saturday afternoon at the hotel's indoor water park.
My mom and I, however, had a terribly close call as we walked around taking pix of the kids... We were over by the wave pool happily snapping away when all of a sudden the giant bucket at the top of the kiddie area tipped over. Yikes! Did we ever get out of there FAST!!!!! We hadn't seen the bucket and had no clue that it was even there until that moment!!! Thankfully we were able to escape getting drenched. Oh how I would have cried....
Are you all sick of my trip yet?! I'm almost through, HONEST! I mean, how much can one pack into one little weekend?!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Butterfly Hat
Butterfly Conservatory

I hope to go to the butterfly conservatory again sometime soon. Butterflies were EVERYWHERE!!!! It was a photographer's dream come true. LOL. But even for those of you not quite so snap happy as I, it was well worth going. And to make things a bit easier, I hear they are planning on putting one in Strong Museum!! I can't wait!!!
The Whirlpool Aero Car

My mom treated Phil and Jessi to a ride on the Whirlpool Aero Car. It was something Phil had always wanted to do and Jessi was trying to pack as much fun into our two days as she possibly could! Phil says that the ride was extremely smooth riding and safe too. They claim that only 1 cable is needed to support the aero car and there are 6 cables for extra safety. What do you think? Would you like to dangle from such a height over a raging whirl pool??? I think I had just as much fun taking pix from the sidelines!!
A little history about the aero car taken from Info Niagara's website:
The aero car was designed by a Spanish engineer, Leonardo Torres Quevedo and has been in operation since 1910. The cable car is suspended from six sturdy cables and offers a wonderful view of the Niagara Whirlpool which is formed at the end of the rapids where the gorge turns abruptly to the northeast and the river escapes through the narrowest channel in the gorge.
The Rainforest Cafe

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My brother treated us all to a trip up the Skylon Tower. My mom wasn't going to go... but he paid for her so up she went and was she ever glad she did!! It really is a whole different scene to view the falls from so far above. We went up a little before sunset and watched the sunset from the tower and watched the city light up beneath us. It was BREATHTAKING! Isn't God an amazing artist?! Creating such beautiful landscapes and sunsets; not to mention all the different animals and people and even such things as snowflakes - everyone of them different!
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. - Romans 1:19-21 NIV
Niagara's Ferris Wheel

Usually I like the thrill rides. I love roller-coasters and other high-speed wild and crazy rides that throw your body every which way and make your stomach do that flip-flop sort of thing. But for some reason, Ferris Wheels terrify me!! LOL. They go so slow and you have a ton of time to think about what could happen! I might have been convinced to go on this one though. At least you are enclosed so I might have felt safer. But maybe not! You are still swinging and rocking in the wind and it was HUMUNGOUS!!!!! Anyone been on it before???
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Pictures of Perfect Strangers

Mostly people seem honored that I want to take their pictures, some even outright ask me to take them, but still I feel so funny and shy 'bout it!
Niagara Falls

This picture was taken from the tower. It was so beautiful up there especially as the sun went down and the city lighted up!
I'll share more from our trip as I process pictures...
Thursday, June 15, 2006
13 Questions about YOU...
1. Chocolate or Vanilla?
2. Gold or Silver?
3. Hot or Cold?
4. Gourmet or Fast Food?
5. Black or White?
6. Cat or Dog?
7. City or Country?
8. Diet or Regular?
9. Bold or Conservative?
10. Comedy or Drama?
11. Dressy or Casual?
12. Neat Freak or Messy?
13. Tight Wad or Spender?
1. Chocolate or Vanilla?
2. Gold or Silver?
3. Hot or Cold?
4. Gourmet or Fast Food?
5. Black or White?
6. Cat or Dog?
7. City or Country?
8. Diet or Regular?
9. Bold or Conservative?
10. Comedy or Drama?
11. Dressy or Casual?
12. Neat Freak or Messy?
13. Tight Wad or Spender?
Lil Bird

I was on my way out the door, actually running late for an appointment, when Jessi comes running in. "Mom! You've gotta come and you'll want your camera!!!" I reluctanly followed her, camera in hand, to the backyard. I knew that once I got started snapping pictures it was going to be even harder to leave. And sure enough! This is what she'd found. Unfortunately, I really was late, so I only snapped a few pictures before forcing myself away from such an awesome photo-op! These kinds of opportunities don't just drop in your lap everyday!!! And all I could think was, "If only I had the time... what kinds of pictures might I be able to get?!" *sigh*
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
I've been searching blogs. I'm not sure I can explain why.... Partly in an attempt to see who and what is out there in Blogger Land. I have no idea what people write about. What is it that most people are willing to 'share with the world'? I wondered if I could find people who care deeply about some of the things that I care about. I wondered, are there people out there who have similar questions and ponderings as I have? And I guess I was just plain curious as to what I would find.
How is it that all those people who visited my blog yesterday found me? What were they searching for? And did they find it? Do they read my blog frequently? Or do they visit just once and then leave forever? Why do most just lurk behind the scenes and not ever leave a comment making themselves known? Anyone????
In all my searching tonight I ended up frustrated! It seems that many people start a blog but then stop writing in them. I don't know if they have simply moved to another site or if they got bored with blogging altogether. Or maybe their lives just got too busy. Or maybe they just didn't feel that what they were writing was of any importance! Maybe they left cuz no one seemed to be reading their blogs. Do they feel like their blogs were boring?
Just wondering....
How is it that all those people who visited my blog yesterday found me? What were they searching for? And did they find it? Do they read my blog frequently? Or do they visit just once and then leave forever? Why do most just lurk behind the scenes and not ever leave a comment making themselves known? Anyone????
In all my searching tonight I ended up frustrated! It seems that many people start a blog but then stop writing in them. I don't know if they have simply moved to another site or if they got bored with blogging altogether. Or maybe their lives just got too busy. Or maybe they just didn't feel that what they were writing was of any importance! Maybe they left cuz no one seemed to be reading their blogs. Do they feel like their blogs were boring?
Just wondering....

Wow! That little cluster map sure is enlightening - I had no idea I had so many people visit my little blog. I sure would love to hear from some of you out there!!!! I'm curious to know how you found me. I don't very often frequent stranger's blogs (though I have done it on occasion) and so I wonder - what makes for an interesting blog? I still haven't figured that out for myself and consider my blog to be totally on the boring side of things! So... suggestions, comments, and questions are welcome!!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Mendon Ponds

I found this insect to be quite interesting with it's metallic look! Does anyone know what it is? It kinda looks like a dragonfly and maybe it is... I dunno! I've never seen one quite like it!!
Cluster Map
Most everyone else has gotten a cluster map... so I figured it was high time I got one myself! Oh the peer pressure one faces in the blogging world!!
Monday, June 12, 2006
Snakes, Insects, Cygnets, and Other Critters
My mom and I went shooting today. First we headed out to Mendon Ponds Park in the hopes of getting some beaver shots and possibly some chickadees. We were told they would eat right out of your hands there. After quite sometime of searching we finally found the beaver pond. We saw 4 or 5 beaver huts.... but alas! No beavers in sight!! (I'd still be interested in going to the one in Canandaigua - Priscilla????) We did find a snake and a toad. I was kinda bummed cuz actually at one point the snake had the toad's foot in his mouth and that would have been an awesome nature shot (albeit kinda gross!) but the frog managed to wiggle free from the snake before I got the shot. I'm sure the toad was relieved even if I was a bit disappointed.
We didn't see any chickadees. We've decided we'll head back come winter time. That's when they are more desperate for food and then maybe we'll get 'em eating out of our hands.
We saw TONS of deer! They were everywhere! But.... I still could not get close enough. I desperately want a longer lens for my camera. I'm sure I could have gotten SOMETHING today if only.... But I suppose I'm coveting... and I've heard that coveting isn't such a good thing to do.....
I resorted to taking pix of insects. There were oodles of grasshopper nymphs and several dragon flies as well as other insects. But poor Jessi just wasn't herself today and didn't seem to want to hang around just to take pictures of insects even if my mom and I would have been able to amuse ourselves for the entire day!
We went over to visit the swans. All three ponds had their babies. The first pond (where Martha and I went shooting a few weeks ago) had the most babies (I think there were 5) and the third pond only had two hatch. We heard that a snapping turtle got one of the babies - but we don't know if that was rumor or not as there have been numerous rumors flying around about the swans!
We also went roaming a neighborhood in the Irondequoit area that my mom frequents. She's seen deer everywhere in this little area and we weren't disappointed. Right off the bat we saw a momma and her fawn. Although I snapped a few pictures... I didn't really get anything worth showing.... (covet, covet!)
Though I had many disappointments it was still a good day and I did get a few pictures that I liked. And I was thankful for the beautiful weather. Poor Jessi though... She was really dragging by the end of the day. I knew she didn't look or act herself most of the day and she seemed to get worse and worse. By the time we got home she was feeling rather warm and sure enough! She was running a temp of 101.5! UGH!! She zonked out on the couch almost immediately! Sure hope she's feeling better in the morning.
We did have some bad news today too... The article about Kyle that we submitted to Highlights was rejected. They said that it didn't fit their current needs. On the good side, they told us to keep submitting! That part was handwritten and not simply a part of a standard form letter so we are taking that to mean that they really did like our work.... they just didn't see that particular article fitting in with their current needs.
That about wraps up my day! I'm all pooped out! :)
(I'm having trouble with uploading pix... will have to add them later!)
Friday, June 09, 2006

I think I'm going through withdrawl! I haven't been able to take pictures in what seems like an ETERNITY! So, in spite of the foreboding weather, and the gazillion and one pictures that I already have of geese, I headed up to the town park in search of the goslings that I know I saw over there several days ago. But, alas, they were no where to be found! I wonder what could have become of them... With all the rumors and stories about oiled eggs and birdnappings one might wonder....
Anywayz, it started to rain just before I got there, so I headed right back home. I ended up snapping a few pix from my own garden in between sprinkles. Hopefully that will get me through until I can REALLY shoot some pix!!!! As ya'all know, I'm not much of a flower photographer... but ANYTHING for a pix fix!!!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
O Boticario

It was extra fun for me cuz I had the opportunity to talk with two of the saleswomen who happen to be from Brazil. (There is another saleswoman who is from the US - though I didn't meet her.) The one actually lived in Sao Paulo for several years. We talked about some of our experiences there and she talked about the pros and cons of Brazil verses the US. She says that though food and housing is cheaper in Brazil most everything else is more expensive plus you simply can't make as much money there. Apparently there is really no minimum age for drinking - at least it's not enforced so young kids drink. The same goes for smoking and getting tattoos. We experienced the driving - it's horrendous in Brazil!! Though we never actually witnessed an accident we did almost get run over a few times. Very scarey indeed!! The thing she misses most, besides her family, is that fact the Brazilians are very open and friendly. She says that Americans are difficult to get close to. And I have to agree - the Brazilians welcomed us with open arms and loved us immediately. We tend to be much more reserved and stand-offish in comparison.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Please Pray!
Saturday, June 03, 2006

In honor of his birthday I'm gonna do 13 things about Brett....
1. This is him with his prize winning kite that he built and designed himself. He won a trophie for flying the highest and the longest.
2. He loves history - in particular WWI.
3. He works for EDS with the Xerox account as a Network Engineer. I used to have some sort of idea what he did before he became an engineer - but now I really am CLUELESS! (He says he is too!!!)
4. His favorite meal is Veal Parmesean. (I just learned that! Guess I better learn how to make it huh?!)
5. He is a junkfood junkie! He especially likes Hershey chocolate bars, dump cake, and jelly beans.
6. He was in the first graduating class at Webster Christian School.
7. He graduated in the top ten of his class!!! WAY TO GO!!!! 8th out of 9 is some accomplishment is it not?!
8. He loves bulldogs and would love to own one someday.
9. He enjoys NASCAR and his favorite driver is Tony Stewart.
10. He also is into Professional Bull Riding. YIKES! I can't watch it!!
11. His favorite car is a 65 Buick Riviera. It used to be a 57 Chevy so this was new to me!!
12 His favorite color is purple.
13. He says he has a beautiful wife and 3 terrific kids.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Here I am, shamelessly advertising on my blog!
Feel free to let your friends and family know about this special offer.
Feel free to let your friends and family know about this special offer.
I have, due to the nature of blogs, left out some important info... If by some chance you need it, feel free to let me know!
Foto Impact
No Sitting Fees, no minimum purchase!!
On location or in studio!
Set up your appointment by June 30, 2006 for this special offer.
(Appointment must be scheduled for no later than July 31, 2006 and may not be used in conjunction with any other sales, promotions, or special discounts.)
Call or write for an appointment!
Foto Impact
No Sitting Fees, no minimum purchase!!
On location or in studio!
Set up your appointment by June 30, 2006 for this special offer.
(Appointment must be scheduled for no later than July 31, 2006 and may not be used in conjunction with any other sales, promotions, or special discounts.)
Call or write for an appointment!
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