Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I've been searching blogs. I'm not sure I can explain why.... Partly in an attempt to see who and what is out there in Blogger Land. I have no idea what people write about. What is it that most people are willing to 'share with the world'? I wondered if I could find people who care deeply about some of the things that I care about. I wondered, are there people out there who have similar questions and ponderings as I have? And I guess I was just plain curious as to what I would find.

How is it that all those people who visited my blog yesterday found me? What were they searching for? And did they find it? Do they read my blog frequently? Or do they visit just once and then leave forever? Why do most just lurk behind the scenes and not ever leave a comment making themselves known? Anyone????

In all my searching tonight I ended up frustrated! It seems that many people start a blog but then stop writing in them. I don't know if they have simply moved to another site or if they got bored with blogging altogether. Or maybe their lives just got too busy. Or maybe they just didn't feel that what they were writing was of any importance! Maybe they left cuz no one seemed to be reading their blogs. Do they feel like their blogs were boring?

Just wondering....


Martha said...

I have also found the same thing. A time or two I left a comment but found that the individual never posted afterward. Did I scare them away? And what ever happened to Julia? We were just making friends. Why do people disappear. My goodness! What has become of Jon? I don't think we are that overwhelming... And by the way, does leaving an anonymos comment count for anything?

Shelly said...

I continue to get little dots on my map... But still no one comments even though I'm shamelessly asking for them! LOL. Makes me wonder even more....